Tririsskiy Solnomister
on February 5, 2022
cor-o-nar-y throm-bo-sis (k overline o r^ prime overline o -n overline a r- overline e throm-bo'sis) Coronary occlusion by thrombus formation, usually the result of atheromatous changes in the arterial wall and usually leading to myocardial infarction.
Co-ro-na-vir-i-dae (k overline o -r -vir'i-dē) A family
of single-stranded RNA-containing viruses, some of which cause upper respiratory tract in fections in humans similar to the "common cold." [L. corona, garland, crown]
Coro nav virus (kā- n tilde a -v vec 1 ^ prime r tilde u s A genus in the family Coronaviridae that is associated with upper respiratory tract infections and possibly gastroenteritis in humans.
co-ro-na-vi-rus (k tilde o -r tilde o ^ prime n tilde a -v tilde l ^ prime r tilde u s) Any virus of the family Coronaviridae.
cor-o-ner (k overline o r^ prime on-er) An official whose duty is to investigate sudden, suspicious, or violent death to determine its cause. In some communi ties, the office has been replaced by that of medi cal examiner. [L. corona, a crown]
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