Michelle Rochester
on September 24, 2020
Today's lesson for myself....
? No matter WHO is in our government, God is in control, he let them be there and we are to pray for them. (Some might need to look up the word submissive)
? We need to be the light and to see the light in others. It takes just a little light to brighten a dark room... Be the light!
?NO speaking evil about anyone...? Even if we feel they deserve it. (Because once upon a time...I deserved God's wrath and he forgave me)
? Stop arguing, quarreling or just plain picking a fight over nothing. The only thing I can talk about in bad situations is how much God loves them. He can change them...I can't.
??Show love, to everyone and correct them gently if they are out of alignment with God.
So as I go about my day today I pray more of us that are Christians can show this lost world how love is supposed to be.
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