For those who were so brainwashed by Barack Hussein Obama and had no clue he is and was doing his part in this global attempt to bring about a new world order and enslave not just all Americans,but the entire world of humanity!! This document of LEGISLATION is what Obama signed in order for the sorceries pharmaceutical companies like Pfizer , moderna, glasko & Kline, Johnson & Johnson, black rock who owns all these agencies and all these corrupt hospitals we are finding out have been purposely killing people with there remdensiver protocols and basically drowning human beings in their own bodily fluid in order to make money for themselves and the hospital administrators!!!! This document basically gives them immunity from being sued for any harm or damages caused upon a human being and guess what these hospitals will run and claim? Plausible deniability, just saying well we were just doing what we were being told to do! But thank God for the NUREMBERG CODE LAWS, because this same game plan was played upon the Jewish people that cost the lives of 6 million plus Jews of Israel and countless other gentile lives who attempted to help and save Jewish lives from being murdered by those who went brought to trial used the saying , we were just doing as we were told. And you know whom many of them were was doctors and nurses who went to work everyday for a paycheck pretending like nothing was going on as the smell of human flesh filled the air daily !!!!!!! And so many just thought Obama was just the first black president, but there is nothing about being a black American about him just like Kamala Harris isn’t a black American woman!!! It’s all a big con job placated upon America and the media and Hollywood are all in on it. My fellow Americans it’s time to stand up and realize this is a war and hiding in the corner is not going to help you !
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