Jeff Watts
on January 28, 2022
When a witness lies in court, we claim this person is not a credible witness.
When scietiensts, doctors, and media lie, we call it science.
Why aren't their credibility affected? Is their authority deemed to be so high, we tend to pull credibility out of the equation and allow them to continually lie?
At what point are people deemed to be NOT CREDIBLE?
How many lies and how much misinformation do they have to spread about their narrative before we simply stop trusting their words?
These vaccines never created immunity as they said it would do. Even Rachel Maddow and Don Lemmon claimed these vaccines would stop the spread and vaccinated couldn't transmit. Fauci lies nonstop, in his emails, on the political podiums, and in news interviews.
These people are NOT CREDIBLE sources of information, as they have proven.
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