Deborah Crim
on September 24, 2020
Im leaving this messed up planet !
So anyway today i had a weird experience happen on our favorite site fb ! I was watching a story someone made and then it went to a different one and it was a woman in a van with a liud speaker and i didnt hear what she was yelling so i asked in the comment .., what ? And then i got a message from someone in messenger to go there so i thought , ok , so i go and its a guy and it says hes a musician and he had a message gor me and his phone number that said he will be looking forward for me calling him . So i asked what the woman in the story was saying but he did nit answer so i went back to the story and she was yelling ... Trump is a demon and hes a racist ... BLM ! So i went back and i left a message for him saying no i do not agree with what theyre doing and i wont participate in it and Trump is not s racist that Biden is and i said how the democrats are using them for their votes and so on and so on ! I couldnt
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