Cat Albiston
on January 26, 2022
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A tsunami of light is building its strength as humanity breaks free from conditioned thinking. Moving into a new era of free thinking sovereign beings reconnected to each other, the world around us and to the divine creator, God or universe ( Which ever your most comfortable with) The people are waking and seeing clearly the darkness and corruption that's had control over our world as daily more and more gets exposed. As such it's losing its hold as we grow ever larger in Number. Each man's journey is there own but we all walk the same path. We will all come together in time. The battle is far from over, those who've been fighting back can't do it for you. You all have to make a stand. Make the choice accept the unacceptable or stand up and help change the world. Never before have Millions upon Millions from all over the world united like this before the reason is (Thanks to the Internet) all the information you need is out there and nowadays easy to find. All of us within the truther Community listened to MSM listened to alternative media and various other sources and using the power of logical and critical thinking (Which we all have) came to the same and obvious conclusion. The World needs fixing and we are the ones who have to fix it. So let's get it done.
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