Saw this and I read it, but do you know what’s missing which is the calling to every soul on this earth be you Jew or Gentile? The Gospel You know in many way Christianity in America is stuck in religion instead of walking and living free! God has made it so plain: Jews were called to water baptism (preaching ministry of John to all Israel) and believe that in name of yeshua, that he was the Christ the son of God. All gentiles are called unto God believe the gospel (Christ Christ Yeshua crucified, the Cross) that Apostle Paul preached as he received from the Lord to preach to the gentiles: 1 Corinthians 15:1-4, Romans 10:6-13. *if you are a gentile and chose to be water baptized, it’s called identification which means you are freely chosen to make an open declaration of your faith in the gospel of Christ(Lamb of God) Yeshua (Salvation) messiah(King, Anointed One) before witnesses. If you are a gentile Romans thru Philemon is to you personally and for you. The Old Testament,Matthew thru John, Hebrews thru Revelation is for our learning being gentiles and it’s clearly written in Romans 15:4 and 1 Corinthians 10:11. It’s all profitable to us , but we must read & study in context and rightly divide the truth of the word of God and grow in the faith . Amen ✝️🩸🙏
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