Whitetail hunting and management
on September 23, 2020
Who runs trail cameras? Pretty much every whitetail hunter these days. Who's worried about camera theft? Not as many folks, but still plenty. And for good reason. Camera theft is an issue on public hunting land and even on some posted private properties.
There's no foolproof way to dodge a determined thief. But today's cameras are making it easier to avoid having the setup even be seen. Thanks to better camo and neutral-tone straps, you now can place cameras in fairly open spots and avoid detection by human eyes. Just be sure to back away a bit from your setup and give it a look before walking away. If it's hard to see and not in a really obvious place, chances are you'll be fine.
Dimension: 1200 x 1440
File Size: 340.85 Kb
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Mike Erickson
I havent for years. Weve shot a few that were captured on camera, but some of the biggest were not. I decided to use bait stations for the cameras. I would place them in out of the way areas deer tended not to dwell, but would go to the food. Gave me an idea of what was on a property yet far enough ... View More
September 23, 2020