Rodney Starks
on January 22, 2022
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Like the days Noah and Like the days of sodom & Gomorrah.
If you want to learn more in depth about both, then i strongly suggest you go on amazon and order you this book of JASHER, which is in the bible mentioned twice in scripture. What is the number two? The number of witness(testimony). Ignorance is one of america’s biggest issues and sadly much of it is going on amongst christianity in america because of zealout religion instead of the faith which is believing God at his word, The Gospel.
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Rodney Starks
Do you go to so called church and have you ever heard of this book being spoken of amongst your congregation assembly? If not why not ? For it is written in Gods word twice. Religion is not what we are called unto God in christ Yeshua Messiah the Lord, we are called to believe the gospel of our ... View More
January 22, 2022