Lisa McDonald
on January 17, 2022
ALL of the deceptions from the da/rk ones are now rapidly backfiring.✨
They don’t realise that the people they are✨ restricting access to society are those who are:
Creatives; willing to find ways to live outside of the box, those who get inspired by challenge to find their own solutions.✨
Rebels; who have been misfits many times in the past so they are immune to being excluded.
The Wild Ones with deep connection and✨ reverence to the land, who know nature has everything they need.✨
Old Souls who have seen this all before and have been persecuted over lifetimes for doing things differently.✨
The Healers who are resourced with tools and modalities outside of the mainstream to✨ restore balance and vitality.✨
Rainbow Warriors who know what’s sacred and aren’t afraid to stand strong in their✨ convictions.✨
Inner Peace Seekers who were already✨ adopting a slower way of living and detaching from commodities.✨
Optimists with an inner knowing of what really matters who can adapt their perspective to see the blessings that difficulties can bring.✨
The Stubborn Ones who will not bend to coercion no matter how tight you squeeze, who will find ways to adapt to obstacles before going against their truth.✨
Intuitives who trust their inner voice before any external noise ✨
The Lions and Lionesses who will fiercely protect their young and will stop at nothing to hold the line as you awaken the fire within.
The Sovereign ones who won’t be threatened into backing down because they have already made their choice✨
Stay strong, hold the line....
Seraphim Akchooel Subramani
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