Lisa McDonald
on January 14, 2022
If you've made it this far, you are a miraculous human and can take comfort knowing this.
They are squeezing you because they hope you are weak. They hope if they squeeze, you'll cave. When you don't hand yourself over, they freak out and squeeze harder. Like in any abusive relationship, the longer you hold out, the crazier they get. The crazier they get, the crazier they look. The crazier they look, the more people notice. The more people notice, the more people wake up. The more people wake up, the more fearful they become. The more fearful they become, the crazier they get... The crazier they get, the more people wake up... And on, and on until they essentially destroy themselves.
Be Brave, be strong, and DO NOT COMPLY. It's literally all you need to do. Make them the ones who need to fight to stay alive.
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