God sent to Noah both male & female animals 7 pairs of the clean animals and 1 pair of the unclean animals. But, they all was pairs of male & female. It’s not going to change just because foolish people think they can create genders being a created being themselves. It’s beyond stupid. Genesis 9 &10. These fools are so blind and ignorant that they don’t realize they wouldn’t even be alive if they were not preserved in the loins of there forefathers that goes back to Shem, Ham , Japheth. It’s why the LGBT movement and all there abomination doctrinal beliefs will come to nothing leading to their own destruction. That 6 color banner bares testimony against them and they are too blind to even know it. Gods bow in the cloud is 7 colors and seven is the number of perfection. Put two men together and two women together and fast forward say 100 years and ask yourself where are they and what did they produce together? Absolutely nothing for they are dead and no more! There only hope of salvation is to repent (metanoia) and hear and believe (faith + nothing) the gospel by which every individual soul has been called unto God in Christ Yeshua (Salvation) messiah (annointed one,King). Amen. 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 , Romans 10:6-13. ✝️🩸🙏
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