Tina LaRea
on September 23, 2020
LABELS - There you go into this trap. You get yourself into this circle of neurosis from which you can never escape because you are living by the label. As soon as you put a label on yourself, you are no longer willing to do what it takes to overcome this thing that you have imposed upon yourself.
For example, you are not born with shy genes. It isn't something that anybody imposes on you or injects you with. It is a choice (which you may not know any other choice) but it is still something that you have elected to do.
It's time to rid yourself of the label that you may have been carrying around all of your life! Then you can began to break into new ways of being.
What to do is this: Instead of saying, "I'm shy," you say, "Up until this moment I've always elected shy behaviors, but today, in this moment, I am going to elect a non shy behavior. I'm going to try something different. I'm not going to live by the label that I've imposed on myself."
And these labels can include things like... I'm not good at sports, I'm clumsy, I've never been able to do (whatever, insert label). By ridding yourself first of the label, you can process yourself, and your thoughts about yourself, in a new way so that your new way is to say, "I can do anything! I can become anything I want! I have always believed that about myself in my life, but I bought into what a lot of people were saying instead, and I labeled myself out of that."
You can be a poet, and you can also be an athlete; and you can be very, very good at athletics. You likely can also be very gentle, and you can enjoy flowers, and and you can enjoy little children, and you can also enjoy a boxing match, and you can enjoy sweating, and you can enjoy putting on a tuxedo.
Your life can be whatever you choose, but you first have to rid yourself of these self-defeating items. Be intentional with your "I am" statements and speak your intended outcome, even if it takes a little time to "get some skin on it."
"For as a man thinks in his heart, so shall he be." Prov. 23:7
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