Eric Ramson
on January 6, 2022
When I look back at my younger self, sometimes I cringe with embarrassment.⠀
“Gosh, did I really believe that or do that back then?!”⠀
As I’ve grown, matured and developed more awareness, I can look back at my younger self and notice things that I was blind to back then.⠀
Today I can look back and notice when I was out of integrity, but made up an excuse why it was okay.⠀
I can look back and notice times that I was selfish or living in my ego, but ignorant to it.⠀
I can look back and notice times I was immature, made mistakes or was outright wrong, but not willing to admit it.⠀
We all have embarrassing moments from our lives, our lowlights, which I’m sure we’re not proud of.⠀
It can be easy to judge my younger self, but I’ve learned that ultimately it’s a sign of growth that I am more aware of these things today.⠀
I’m sure I’ll look back at myself 10 years from now, and notice things that I can’t see in myself today.⠀
I’ve learned that it’s important to forgive, love and accept our younger selves. People often do the best they can under their current stage of consciousness and development at the time.⠀
We’re all growing and maturing in life. We all have our own journey. ⠀
Your life isn’t defined by your past or who you were, but rather who you are becoming.⠀
Continue growing, humbling yourself to look at your weaknesses, and move towards becoming a more aware and conscious human being. As a result, you’ll always look back and be amazed by how far you’ve come!
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