Tina LaRea
on September 23, 2020
Sunday is coming. But Saturday was long.
There was a gap between what felt like the end and the true beginning. Those that followed Jesus found themselves staring on Friday. Staring at their Messiah hanging on a cross. The worst kind of death. And all their hopes and dreams appeared to be dying with Him. All the promises. All the things that they thought would be, their plans, their vision, slowly bleeding out before their very eyes.
But Saturday was the longest. It appeared to be over. He was dead. Wrapped in a tomb. Gone. The life they had served, the hope for their future, everything was dead. Can you imagine the doubt? The denial? The agony of feeling like it was all over? Just like that?
But reality was that Jesus needed Saturday to win the victory. He needed that span of time to fight wars in the supernatural that no man could help Him with. He had to go this one alone. And in that ONE day, His followers could have called it quits. In that ONE day they had a choice to stop believing in all they had been promised. All they had been told. Because sometimes humans can't see beyond the ONE day.
Maybe that's you. Maybe you used to believe it all. You had the faith. You had the passion. You had the vision to follow Jesus. You loved him. You talked about Him. You followed Him. And then one day it all seemed to die. Maybe you were hurt. Betrayed. Disappointed. Abandoned. Maybe you saw all of your hopes and dreams dying a slow, painful death. And then it all seemed over. Just like that. Gone. But maybe this span of time you've been living in lately...where you've stopped believing, where you've given up hope, where all seems to be lost...is the exact same span of time that your Savior has been fighting for you, waging a war for you that only He can fight, that only He can see, that only He can win. It's a fight that He had to go it alone. Maybe you've been living in "Saturday."
But Sunday is coming. It's right around the corner. Sunday...when all your seemingly-dashed hopes and dreams became vibrant, amazing realities once again. Fulfilled realities. Fulfilled promises. The agony of the Saturday forever wiped away along with the sin and the doubt and the anger. Gone. Because He is alive. Truly alive. Your Sunday is coming.
The story is the same. As Americans you've heard it every year, possibly your entire life. But what if THIS YEAR there is more for you? What if THIS YEAR you can leave your Saturday behind and move forward into your Sunday? Because although the story is ancient, the reality is very much alive right now. He's the same Jesus who died for YOU. He's the same One who has been waging war for YOU. He's the same One who loves YOU in a way no other human can, and He wants you to leave your doubt and hurt and betrayal behind. He wants you to move into His Sunday. The one that He fought and died for so that YOU could know Him.
Sunday is coming. Are you ready for it?
Written by my friend Jaci Vance Lambert (pictured here with me?).
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