The true order of the Old Testament. The book of Malachi is not the last book as it’s commonly placed in many Bible version translations. Don’t you know you have a house of chronicles(records) in your town where you live? Ever hear of micro fish? That’s what a lot of records was transcribed upon long ,but as technology advanced a lot of it is kept of a Zip drive or CD, but still today paper records(chronicles) are kept. Even the blue print of your own home or apartment you dwell in and even the place you work. He Only Left You(your name) Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth, in hope you may believe and receive the free gift of salvation Christ Yeshua messiah purchased by his sacrifice on his Cross, his Blood, his death, his burial & power of his resurrection by the Spirit of God. Amen Romans 4 & 5 - Hebrews 9 & 10 ✝️🩸🙏
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