"Impossible" is a deception. With GOD all things are possible. We are not these bodies. The REAL you and me is our spirit man living on the inside of these bodily vehicles. By faith, we speak from the spiritual and manifest into the material. All things are possible. We speak from the temporal and into the worldly. Our words are spirit and they are life. This is why a hurtful word continues to hurt long after the words were spoken. They are alive and active. All words spoken in faith are alive and active, performing what they were sent to do. We are made in the Triune God's image. He calls us His mini-Me's. He spoke, it was. We speak, it is. In the bible, Job lost everything. He said, "The thing that I feared came upon me." And he told God to show him where he erred and he would shut his mouth. Job released fear and it all came to him as he believed and spoke. Fortunately, God restored to Job all that he had lost. It's so important to speak what you want to manifest and not what you don't want.Speak life! For this material world is what it is because of faithfully spoken words.(Pictured here: My art.)
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