Mark Poulin
on December 30, 2021
Which scientists?
The ones who said 2.2 million Americans would die of COVID in a few months? The ones who said masks should not be worn? The ones who denied the possibility of a Wuhan Lab leak? The ones that said masks should be worn? The ones who said the incubation period was fourteen days? The ones that said fourteen days to slow the spread? The ones who said to close down for months? The ones who said PCR tests cannot differentiate between COVID and the flu? The ones who said asymptomatic spread is a thing? The ones who said asymptomatic spread is not a thing? The ones who said new PCR tests could differentiate between the flu and COVID, but not between COVID 19 and older strains? The ones who said it was possibly a Wuhan Lab leak? The ones who said PCR tests were necessary for accuracy? The ones who said a fourteen day quarantine was sufficient? The ones saying the PCR tests can give false positives for twelve weeks after infection? The ones who say seven day quarantine is sufficient? The scientists who keep retroactively removing former COVID deaths from the count, because people who died of motorcycle accidents were even counted as COVID deaths initially?
Oh wait. Those were all the same scientists, saying lots and lots of very conflicting things.
Huh, yeah seems like if they get funding from the government they should not be listened to blindly. Because, you know: gaslighting to push whatever the government wants that moment.
I am sick of gaslighting, but thanks Netflix for your bullshit.
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Fuck No!
December 30, 2021
Alanna Melcher
Netflix is part of the problem. They have an agenda.
January 9, 2022