This Eunuch who was a Jew under the authority of the Candace the Queen of Ethiopia heard Philip expound on the Isaiah 53 and reveal the calling of God to all Israel (Jews) from ministry of water baptism given to John a Jew & the revealing of the Lord Christ Yeshua messiah (a Jew). It’s no coincidence that there are thousands of Jews making Aliyah out of Ethiopia back to the land of their inheritance(Genesis 15) in land of Jerusalem (Israel). It’s not reported on the news here much at all if in but in Ethiopia today much civil war is brewing. Our news reports using the word settlements to keep a majority of Americans stupid & ignorant as to what really going on in Israel’s own land. Those settlements are housing and neighborhoods with stores etc. being built for the many God by his prophetic word of promise is bringing his scattered people of Israel back to their own homeland. So many presidents in America have attempted to slow & even stop this and even to the point of coercing Israel to give up their land on the Gaza Strip. Obama attempted non stop to stop the settlements from being built & so much so he used taxpayers money to get involved in ousting prime minister Netanyahu who wouldn’t submit to his constant threats to stop building. All during the presidency of President Trump Israel was left alone and never threatened or attempts made to stop building homes etc. But as soon as this fraud Joe Biden got inserted into office he has threatened the new prime minister of Israel to stop building and the new prime minister defied his threats & actually has increased construction. Not soon after the land of Israel was being bombed from the north & south and faces threats constantly. So much of Christianity today and just Americans in general are so clueless as to what is really going on and all the corruption & wickedness this nation is involved in, but I guess as long as you have your lattes & newest cell phones etc. your happy. But, Israel shall always be and many need to come to understand just as this Ethiopian Eunuch had to have revealed to him & so he was obedient to the faith by which he has been called unto God in Christ Yeshua messiah the son of God. Amen ✝️🩸🙏
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