Lisa Deimel
on December 27, 2021
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Toni Simon
Not what he's saying though. Its bothering me he's not explaining this especially when he has the platforms to do so. He's still citing warp speed...I got 3 vaccines out in record time, etc. Loved Trump but he needs to clarify what he's talking about.
December 27, 2021
Toni Simon
Toni Simon replied - 1 reply
Mary Carini
Note: Our President believes we can read, think and make up our own minds. Why do people need to be told by an authority figure what to do??? No critical thinking skills. They think they are awake but they are just a different kind of sheep. I cannot believe how stupid people are...
December 27, 2021
Diane Thomas
How would you know if you were receiving "Trumps" vaxx or the "Deep State" vaxx??? Makes no sense.
December 28, 2021