If you are a believer of Gospel of Christ Yeshua or even if you are just a seeker of the truth of Gods word. And especially if you are a person who attends those assembly places called churches , but have never ever heard of this book even though it’s written of twice in that Bible you carry into those buildings which more than likely not even your minister even knows is written in the Bible. Well I encourage you to read it for yourself and not wait to be told what to think or speak. On Amazon for about $16.00 and we’ll worth it. If you go to a book store you may be real suprised not to find it nor be able to get it. You will get a much deeper understanding about the Bible and the days of Noah & the days of Sodom & Gomorrah etc. ✝️🩸🙏
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This is one of the loss book of the Bible.

Rodney Starks
No not lost . Just not spoken of and not taught inside churches in america. There are no lost tribes either, thats all mans propaganda for God knows where all his chosen people of israel are.