Stephen Hickman
on December 24, 2021
Stephen HICKMAN to: socialists and Marxists everywhere in America. Frankly, I am too busy with CHRISTmas to respond to vacuous, liberal talking-points. I do not use the term TRAITOR lightly. It is certainly NOT because socialists hate Mr. Trump and relentlessly try to defame him. (Free Speech is just knock yourselves out). Rather, I perceive PROGRESSIVE-QUACK-OIDS (such as you), much like I view Obama, Bill & Shrillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, and now failing Joe Biden. Your Marxist “little sisters” like BLM would rather see this country FAIL to advance your agenda, than to see our country succeed.
THIS is how you truly despicable regressive WEASELS strike me. Many of you cowardly undermine the military without EVER having served; You STILL apologize for America; You STILL lack REAL answers to make the Nation great again; You STILL engage in the POLITICS OF PERSONAL DESTRUCTION; You STILL obstruct the WILL of the REPUBLIC at EVERY turn; You STILL hope-beyond-hope for FAILURE in our great capitalist economy, so may unleash the gates of a PROGRESSIVE-HELL, (that well describes a so-called “MARXIST UTOPIA”). You STILL assault the CONSTITUTION as you applaud liberal Justices who LEGISLATE AND CREATE LAW FROM THE BENCH!
It is time to examine your own brand of conditioning that make you, and your dreary Marxist MISCREANTS, an EXISTENTIAL THREAT TO OUR REPUBLIC. QUUUAAACCCKKK 🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦟🦟🦟🦟🪰🪰🪰🪰🪰🪰🪰🪰🪰
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