Rodney Starks
on December 24, 2021
So many Americans got duped by that fraud Obama and before he left office he signed this legislation that set the stage for this fake pandemic and which gave all these pharmaceutical companies immunity from being sued so they could push there patented mRNA gene therapies being called vaccines upon the world! How many know of this document ? And I bet so many who read this voted for that fraud not just once but twice and are still freaking confused! I voted for him neither Times because I knew he was a plant from the get go and he played the race card on all Americans in order to get Caucasians to vote for him because they didn’t want to appear to be racist. He played not only Caucasian nationalities but also those of african ancestry and Latinos. And how many fools thought there student loans was actually going to be all wiped alway? Biden used the same con game on the indebted foolish fools who drank from the well one more time!
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