Glenda Madaris Czaplinski
on December 14, 2021
The country is literally run by perverts pedophiles and degenerates.
It’s been run by these sick beings for many decades.
Actually, when you know who’s/what’s behind providing children to powerful men/women, we find it’s been purposely arranged (for control of the legislators, media, judges etc) for centuries.
Last week it was the Cee-I-A rap*ng women in foreign countries.
Then it was Cee-N-N’s Producer rap*ing a NINE YEAR OLD girl with her mother’s knowledge and the mother and Producer calmly discussing “prepping” the child for sex for sale.
Now...we see the F-Bee-I caught in their perverted crimes.
What station was the loudest in ripping Trump apart on national TV?
What agency fed stories to Cee-N-N during the fake impeachment against Trump and J6th set up to crucify Trump supporters.
What agency has been involved a multitude of attacks on foreign nations to manipulate wars, involved in the cover up of 911, Os*ma B*n Laden and sex trafficking rings world wide for decades?
What do they all have in common?
👉A sick, vile, filthy involvement in sex with children and covering for their buddies or agencies/foundations paying them to cover up this crime (note how all the news articles call it “underage” girls/boys to try and soften what it is—rape of CHILDREN).
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again:
👉its a multi, multi billion dollar business.
And, it feeds Moloch.
Trump tweeted in 2012 that something needed to be done about the children.
You think it was an accident HWood she D.C. hated him, attacked him, lied thru their teeth and broke every law to go after him?
No accidents.
Trump was annoying and loud on purpose—the louder and more annoying he became, the more attention it brought to these disgusting, vile beings.
Those who tell me they like Trumos policies but not Trump?
All that tells me is they only read the “superficial” news.
How in the living hell do you not love a man that has declared war against these sick b*stards and helped open the eyes of many millions?
If you don’t like don’t know him.
Now...the perverts?
We see then clear as day 👀
Thanks to DJT, Cue Drops and patriots who share info.
Let’s expose these demons for who they are and what they’ve done.
Is enough.
We cannot begin to fathom the evil that has gone on while we enjoyed our vacations, restaurant meals, Christmas and birthday parties etc.
Gods pissed -Jesus tipped over the merchants tables in the temple but we can bet what God is about to do is far beyond tipping over tables.
Ask forgiveness for your complacency, ask for strength to join in the battle over darkness as it intensifies and accept that many of us may not make it thru to the other side once the real battle of good vs evil ensues.
Do we think there weren’t innocent people that died right along with the heathens during the Great Flood?
Of course there were innocents and faithful people that paid the price of Mankind falling away.
We are in a time such as this.
God has a tendency to be faithful and tolerate Mans weaknesses.
But when he sees the innocents harmed over many decades, there is a point where he takes matters into His hands because we didn’t.
Pray and accept ...if it is His Will that some of us go down in the battle against be it.
I’d rather die in this battle than know there are children being harmed by people put in power by us.
Biblical times.
Isn’t it amazing we live in a time such as this when the light will shine full force on the blackness that has infiltrated men’s souls?
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