It's time to gather the seeds of Chaste Trees (Vitex agnus-castus L.)! Another name for these seeds is "monk's pepper" because the monks would grind up these seeds into a delicious spice, somewhat like pepper. However, it wasn't just for flavor. Compounds in these seeds maintains proper progesterone/prolactin levels; reduces excess prolactin; soothes PMS breast tenderness; reduces heavy menstrual bleeding; reduces cycles longer than 28-days; increase milk production; may prevent uterine fibroids; mild sedative; reduces PMS and menopause mood swings; which helps with PMS mood swings; reduces menopause hot flashes. Okay, none of these things should be an issue for monks, right? Well, in males it causes increased levels of progesterone, which reduces libido. Probably a good thing if you're a monk! Note, it takes several months of taking this daily to suppress male desires so sprinkling it on a steak now and then is fine......#chastetree #vitex #pms #herbalmedicine #medicinalplants #wildcrafting #forager #foraging #foragingtexas
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Mark Belk
Why in hell would we do that?