Blackbird Cottage
on September 22, 2020
Tuesday, September 22, 2020
Witchy Tea Time--Mabon; What have we harvested?
You reap what you sow--there is a scarcely a religion in existence that does not express that sentiment in some form. Mabon, the autumnal equinox, is a time for harvesting both in the literal and metaphorical sense. This is a moment to "settle accounts", take stock and make plans for the leaner wintry months. It is about the balance between the light (daytime, the external) and the dark (nighttime, the internal)--and this balancing act can be unsettling, because balance is temporary--most of our lives are spent with the see-saw leaning significantly in one particular direction. Mabon marks the death of the God and his entry into the underworld, symbolizing our physical mortality and hope of rebirth as well as the value of endings and the "death" of things that have come to an end. This sabbat is also a good time to read what lore there is available about the god Mabon and his mother Modron and contemplate what the stories teach us.
This year we are seeing the harvest of bad ideas, and there are so many to highlight that I couldn't possibly touch upon them all, but here's a few:
1. The shutdown of society over a virus that has a 99.96% survival rate, which involved telling a significant portion of the population that their jobs & businesses were "non-essential" which created not only widespread anxiety and depression--but also a mass existential crisis.
2. Domestic terrorists groups being defended by the media, politicians, and the brainwashed.
3. The push for the citizenry to accept being ruled, rather than ruling themselves.
These bad ideas are occurring at the macro level--and we witness the fall out everyday. Indeed, there seems to be no escape from it and yes--the consequences of this *will* affect everyone, even those who "go along to get along" and "keep their heads down". It won't matter, if these things are permitted to go to their logical conclusion no one will be unscathed.
At the micro level, this has been a time of reckoning with bad ideas--it's never a fun process to look in the mirror and deal with the flaws of one's own character, but it is necessary in order to learn lessons and navigate a better path. This year I have also had to come to terms with the reality that I have finally entered the autumn of my life, and everything that goes along with that transition. When I look at the leaves that are beginning to turn and are this explosion of glorious color before they brown, wither and fall to the ground I know that it's a metaphor for my life stage and once the final bloom of autumn is over the winter of cronehood lies before me.
(No, I'm not ready. Yes, I will be drinking later.)
Settling accounts--that is the business of today in addition to the fun aspects of Mabon--the cooking, the crafting, the ritual work. After much drinking of chai tea, and nibbling on cinnamon scones I think I'm just about past the rough stuff. A nice long ritual bath will set me to rights and then the best part of the day begins. There's a great deal to be thankful and celebrate--the garden has been a tremendous success this year. The renovation of the farmhouse is underway and we're crossing jobs off the list. Most of all, my faith has been an anchor and there is a steading influence as we progress through the Wheel. The god is dead, but he goes to rule the Otherworld and will be reborn in due course. The sun will rise again. The pendulum will swing again. The next harvest has every hope of being better.
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