Silas brandner
on November 23, 2021
It was a black anti-white racist not an SUV that mowed down over 50 people and killed five people including 20 children no it was not the SUVs fault it was this black anti-white racist let out of prison because of these George Soros funded Días they need to be on the hook for this oh and by the way these people couldn’t get more racist and stupid if you paid them to be and Reese Witherspoon get your damn finger out of the trigger while you’re moron why don’t you go take a gun safety class for your own safety and everyone else’s safety obviously too stupid to be holding a gun learn some trigger discipline don’t put your finger on the trigger and less you’re aiming at some thing and you mean it this is what the Hells wrong with the world morons like this push in a false narrative bunch of empty headed racist idiots running the shit show clown world!!!!!!! Oh and this racist name is not SU and v it’s racist anti-white Darrell Brooks he’s the murderer not the Ford he was driving not the damn SUV get it right damn left-wing media!
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Angry (1)
Luci Martins
Well said
November 23, 2021