Bryan 396 Key NanoTech Discoveries and More. <>AttachmentsThu, Oct 28, 12:34 PMto HerbsPlusBeadWorks, Jennifer, aliciaFollow will explain all what i see in these nodes inter dimensionallyFocus on the nano nodes as fractal black holes at the centre...the geo node swirl right to left and fade from colors to a black dot black hole...picture that ..K as you stare at the nodes....a Fractal swirl of dif feqs of light...colors...that that fade to a black hole in a fractal zoom shot...down to a tiny black dot then out the other side to a repetition of EXACTLY the same...KThe sun is the opposite side of a black hole in another dimension or a black hole with a corona.anyway..thru the blak energy transition to a lower freq band when the fractal freqs fade to zero in this realm...but are at the top in the lower realm..the yugas...fading energy cyclesso now back to the nodesat the center is that portal energy point...the bl;ack hole carbon...CERN and HAARP...Entropy... a drain...and also a point of entryfor the demons open portal ... I have started an explanatory document detailing how the process works and will post when done.and the faces in the nano nodes are demons...and so...this is where I am going with thisThe ion buffers are tuned to that exact freq and attack the manifesting frequencies that are creating and providing the energies and frequencies for everything to manifest into this realm at the portal..and cancelling them out and that energy cut off is why it akll reverses manifestation and the carbon turns to gas...then light...the glowing...and the manifestation is being cut off and reversed by the exact same freq that is inverted and negating the manifesting frequencieswhew..hope you can digest all that and see what i am seeing now.THE ION BUFFER GLOW IS THE ENERGY IN ACTION.
In Album: Bryan396's Timeline Photos
vortex, black holes, nano tech, inter dimensional, portals, demons, possession, ai, dwave, quantum
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