Robert Allen Spruell
on November 14, 2021
Nazi poster promoting idea those with health problems are a threat to the German nation.
100,000+ children and adults disabilities were exterminated or subjected to inhumane medical experiments.
The Volkskörper "national body" was the classification of the "Volk" the German people as an organic national biological entity that needed to be protected from the unclean.
The Volkskörper enabled Aktion T4 The Nazi Euthanasia Programme, supported by respected physicians such as Hans Asperger (Asperger's Syndrome) who participated in the Euthanasia Programme.
"We must ensure that the diseased who would transmit their diseases to remote generations, to the detriment of the individual and of the Volk, are stopped from transmitting their diseased hereditary material."
In Germany today we are seeing cartoons published similar to those used in the Third Reich. The cartoons not only justify segregation of the unvaccinated but encourage exterminating them
Dimension: 871 x 1200
File Size: 147.4 Kb
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