Bacon Danker
on November 13, 2021
This incredible, Washington-based ministry, Prisoners For Christ, is dedicated to bringing Christ to the lives of thousands of inmates, potentially changing their futures for the better.
⬇(Link to donate directly to PFC at bottom of post)⬇
I am proud to say, my dear friend Jill Payne, is part of this ministry. She is a woman who amazes me with her compassion and everything she does to spread the Word of God and help people.
Prisoners For Christ is currently collecting donations in order to publish their special Bibles with study notes in them aimed specifically to those incarnated!
Personally, I think this is so beautiful. Please, donate today to help put a Bible in the hands of inmates. God is the best type of rehabilitation.
Every prisoner they get through to is one less gangster shot, one less drug addict slinging dope, and one less angry, Godless person who wasn't taught morals growing up.
Prisoners for Christ has a mission I can proudly stand behind.
🇺🇸✝God bless y'all!✝🇺🇸
Donate here:
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