Darrell Ranalli
on November 9, 2021
I’m a very proud member of this org and I was asked to become a member by beings that appeared completely human but walked through my 5th floor walls and spoke to me strictly telepathically for some days just in my apt I don’t believe I was taken aboard there ship which was cloaked right outside my windows and I know something was there because I could hear it just couldn’t see it and when asked to join I did so before the telepathic communique was completed and I’m doing my job in the Galactic Federation this sec by acclimating u to this very info at this very sec in time !!! Which means u need to hear it AT THIS SEC IN TIME !!! So pls read this to find out where we r truly coming from k GODS LOVE LIGHT PEACE AND ABOVE ALL THESE DAYS THE GODS HONEST REDPILL TRUTH TO U ALL ☮️🖖♥️🖖☮️
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