Bacon Danker
on November 7, 2021
I am so sick of this shit.
So many people across social media have been asking me about the Hippocratic Oath, in regards to the Colorado Governor's executive order to deny unvaccinated people hospital care. My instant response was likely the argument they'll use, which is super disturbing.
If the hospitals dont allow unvaccinated people, the doctors won't technically be denying anyone health care because the patients never actually make it to the doctor to be turned away.
However, if a doctor chooses to knowingly work in a hospital that is openly discriminating against sick and injured people because of their vaccination status, they are guilty of violating their oath in my book! It is like the equivalent of lying by omission. Whether or not they feel guilt is on them.
So, in this upside-down world of COVIDIOCY:
💉If you're vaccinated, you can perform reckless stunts resulting in your mutilation, and you'll be treated in a hospital because you had a deadly accident.
🚫If you're unvaccinated, you can have a stroke or get hit by a car out of nowhere, but you are just shit out of luck because you must have deserved to die anyway for not getting the shot?
I have been told on multiple occasions that I better not go to the hospital and take up the bed that could be used for a "vaccinated person who cares about their life". What the heck kind of malicious thinking is that?? Should the 450 lb McDonald's addict be turned away for a heart attack?
The logic behind that nasty demand is completely absent and demented. Smokers better keep their COPD and lung cancer to themselves too, right? In fact, by the same standards, smokers ought to steer clear of all hospitals for any reason because they choose to smoke.
Not to mention, the horrid stench of self-assumed superiority seeping off of them as they virtue signal and shame you loudly to prevent themselves from accidentally hearing any sensible reason you could have for not getting vaccinated.
I am so over this ridiculous 🤡CLOWNWORLD🤡 nonsense!
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