Darrell Ranalli
on November 7, 2021
This truly tells the whole story and hundreds of millions of our fellow Americans r sitting on there couches hoping someone else will do something about it while 11 mo later those douchebags r still in office pedo joe and cameltoe AND IT MUST END !!! STANDTFUP AND WAKETFUP AND DO SOMETHING EVEN IF ITS JUST SPREADING AWARENESS OF THE REAL GODS HONEST REDPILL TRUTH LIKE I DO 25/8 WE CANNOT SIT BACK ANY LONGER ITS TIME WE TAKE TO THE FING STREETS!!! N MAKE IT SO ALL OF THOSE FING CHILD KILLING pedovores CANT WALK THOSE STREETS ANY LONGER WITHOUT BEING CHASED DOWN AND HUNG FROM THE NEAREST DOORKNOB WITH A RED SCARF JUST!!! LIKE the Illuminati hit men did to Chris Cornell Chester Bennington Robin Williams and many dozens more were killed remotely with MK ultra tech like Bernie Mac Prince Whitney Houston and many others who they say died from the flu YEAH F THAT NOISE THEY WERE SUICIDED OR STRAIGHT UP MURDERED!!! Because they all started deciding they did not want to be in the Illuminati any longer and were soon perceived to be lose ends strictly blood in till blood out is the Illuminati way and they just so happen to run the ENTIRE FING PLANET AS U CAN ALL TELL W OUR LAST ELECTION!!! FFPEOS!!!
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