Douglas Dove
on November 6, 2021
Well, i picked up a 30 ban on facebook after i went to CNN NEWS page... Almost every story mentioned President Trump... so i went one by one to each story and left this comment " Trump, living rent free in liberals heads 24/7/365" almost immediatly fb pulled up one of my posts from back in june and flagged it as violating community standards... The post in question was not hate speach but a commentary on medical tyrrany heres the photo...
Dimension: 651 x 651
File Size: 36.8 Kb
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Douglas Dove
Liberals protecting liberals...
November 6, 2021
Rene Hollan
Why the hell do you still feed Facebook?
November 6, 2021 Edited
Douglas Dove
Douglas Dove replied - 1 reply
Douglas Dove
Plus i love trolling them to the point that they start admiting their goals out of anger ..
November 6, 2021