Nina Fusilli
on November 5, 2021
Hello my child. Something told me I would hear from you.
You have been troubled. This I know. I can feel your every emotion because I created you, inside and out. Before you were formed, I knew you.
You have walked your own way and it has taken you farther than you thought you’d ever go. You have felt unworthy to return to me.
It’s okay, you can come back now.
Do not ever hesitate to lay it all down at my feet. My grace is sufficient to cover every sin.
I have beckoned you time and again.
I would hear you say, “I’ll pray later.”
When all the while I was waiting for you.
I do not say this to cause you sorrow.
I want you to know my mercy is endless and my love for you is boundless.
I won’t love you any less for what you confess.
I gave it all to prove there is nothing I wouldn’t do for you.
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November 5, 2021