Penny J Silvey
on October 27, 2021
Also, when people realize that One of these medication’s, along with another one that has been deemed “illegal,” both of these Medication‘s are not prescribed for viruses. They are prescribed for parasites. Now ask yourself the question, “why in the world are doctors prescribing a parasitic medication for a virus that it will not help?” BECAUSE IT IS NOT A VIRUS.
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George Winsor
Not accurate. The effectiveness of Ivermectin is not that SARS-COV2 isn't a virus, it's got to do with the way Ivermectin affects the cell chemistry. IIRC - and I MAY have this wrong - it either prevents the virus from attacking cells effectively OR enhances the immune system to fight off invasive c... View More
October 27, 2021 Edited
Penny J Silvey
Penny J Silvey replied - 1 reply