Keri Hutson
on October 27, 2021
My husband got rebaptized Sunday. What an awesome and glorious day. Glory to God!
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Tim Hutson
Thank you for your prayers. Continue in His words and you will know the truth and the truth make you free. All works are a outward sign of a inward change. They are you testimony of God's work through Jesus in you. If anyone says otherwise let them continue in God's wrath until they repent.
November 2, 2021
Tim Hutson
Tim Hutson replied - 6 replies
Sue Erickson Linton
I told you to READ your BIBLE!!!!!!!!
November 2, 2021
Keri Hutson
Keri Hutson replied - 4 replies
Sue Erickson Linton
When encouraging someone to Read the word of God offends tells me all I need to know!
November 2, 2021