Darrell Ranalli
on October 25, 2021
A message from the Galactic Federation pls read because u r a member u just haven’t awakened to that fact yet ! I’m not in this for likes n friends I’m in this to pass the truth that I know for a fact is the truth to my soul or I wouldn’t bother wasting yours n my time k so pls read and REMEMBER why exactly it is that u r wearing these ridiculous 3D meat suits it’s because u r a brave warrior for taking this mission on a FING hell planet yes the Illuminati luciferian death cult RUNS THIS ENTIRE PLANET FACT! And unless u live 100% off grid u and I my fellow human are nothing but a bunch of FING slaves FACT! This message is meant for u to hear at this very second in time and there is and never has been such a thing as coincidences so me telling u this this sec WAS MEANT TO BE SO READ FOR YOUR CHILDRENS SAKE NOT MINE K THX U ☮️🖖♥️🖖☮️… let me know what u think pls n thx ps sorry they did not come out in order the first pic should have been the fifth pic not first so try to decipher what order they go in after the introduction page k sorry
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