Darrell Ranalli
on October 25, 2021
A message from the Galactic Federation pls read because u r a member u just haven’t awakened to that fact yet ! I’m not in this for likes n friends I’m in this to pass the truth that I know for a fact is the truth to my soul or I wouldn’t bother wasting yours n my time k so pls read and REMEMBER why exactly it is that u r wearing these ridiculous 3D meat suits it’s because u r a brave warrior for taking this mission on a FING hell planet yes the Illuminati luciferian death cult RUNS THIS ENTIRE PLANET FACT! And unless u live 100% off grid u and I my fellow human are nothing but a bunch of FING slaves FACT! This message is meant for u to hear at this very second in time and there is and never has been such a thing as coincidences so me telling u this this sec WAS MEANT TO BE SO READ FOR YOUR CHILDRENS SAKE NOT MINE K THX U ☮️🖖♥️🖖☮️… let me know what u think pls n thx
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