This assembly (church) of believers who were all Jews and was scattered were all Jews and the Apostles stayed in Jerusalem. So why is it that many gentiles lie to themselves & deceive themselves in saying that these Jews called themselves Christians. When the word Christian that gentiles use is the translation word used from the actual name in which those Grecians(mixed Jews like Timothy & his parents,mother a jewess woman & father a greek gentile) believers in Antioch were first called Messianics. It amazes me how much of America is saturated with replacement theology and the complete blatant foolishness in thinking & teaching others that gentiles have replaced the Jews and that all the scriptures about Israel (Jews) are now to them. It’s as if Romans 9 thru 11 has never been read personally nor to the congregation sitting in those pews. Just what is being taught & not being taught on purpose in those so called seminary schools? You know saul wasn’t saved by religion, but by faith and we read his testimony being called by his free born Roman name, Paul (Saul his Hebrew birth name). Sauls parents was wealthy & they purchased saul Roman citizenship name (Paul) before he was even born into this world. It’s why Paul(Saul) was able to say to that soldier who paid a large sum for his Roman citizenship, that Paul told him that he was free born. Why is it that so many gentiles sitting in these pews tolerate being fed religion instead of the truth about the scriptures that pertains to the people of Israel (Jews) & there nation & homeland? ✝️🩸🙏. Matthew thru John is the work of Christ Yeshua & Hebrews 9 & 10 gives testimony to the testator himself finished work. So why is it that gentile pastors speaking in front of predominantly gentile congregations feed Matthew thru John to those as if those scriptures are about gentiles instead of the truth. And many use this line saying , well all scripture is to us! Not so and Romans 15:4 & 1 Corinthians 10:11 blows that theory & false statement away because those two verses are in teaching gentiles of what they should know & understand. Replacement theology is the greatest problem in Christianity in America!
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