Jeff Watts
on October 22, 2021
How exactly does it work to where I take an experimental shot into MY body that fixes YOUR medical situation?
I mean, this is the same shot that YOU took into YOUR body and YOU say it doesn't really resolve YOUR medical situation unless I take the shot.
YOU actually say it leaves YOU unprotected against the virus YOU took the shot to protect YOU against, unless the virus is transmitted to YOU from someone else that also took the shot. Only at that point is it ok to have the virus infection transmitted to you.
But YOU want ME to follow YOU, because if we BOTH have the same shot, then all of our worries are over?
Ok. Sure.
The next FEAR CAMPAIGN is loading a program (into your brain). After the shot, it'll be something else...just like after the mask it was something else...and after staying home it was something else...and after social distancing it was something else....
It's always something else but it's never the VIRUS. It always has to deal with making a person think another PERSON being in their vicinity is the problem. The virus is always the underlying current, which is why they will NEVER eradicate the transmission or presence of the virus.
Reason: once you lose the POWER to control someone, you lose CONTROL of them. The VIRUS is the power. The unknown FEAR is the control.
In the words of the doctor in the hospital speaking to another doctor/nurse on a Project Veritas video we all have seen: "...the shot is shit."
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