Tom Grimshaw
on October 22, 2021
Some of The Deepest Insider Disclosures Ever Made on the CCP and How China Purposely Released SARS-CoV-2
Dr. Li-Meng Yan, a Chinese medical doctor and virus researcher, escaped China to tell America and the world the truth about Covid-19. In an hour-long interview with Dr. Peter Breggin she described how China began using the World Health Organization as a front group in 2005, how they corrupted American scientists, and how they used Covid-19 as a weapon of “unrestricted biowarfare.” She made some of the deepest insider disclosures ever made on the Chinese Communist Party and its inhuman planning and practices around Covid-19, all with the aim of taking down America – a goal they now celebrate as having achieved.
Chen Ping, Senior Researcher at China Institute, Fudan University and professor at Peking University, said in c.May that the Chinese Communist Party (“CCP”) had won the trade war, science and technology war, and especially the biological war in 2020.
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