Lee sapo
on October 20, 2021
Jason Christoff:
Are You A True and Real Adult?
Socialists are lazy and simply want to have other people pay their way because they don't want to take their proper rite of passage from child to adult. Any adult in a tribe who thinks, talks and behaves as a child is a threat to the survival of that tribe.
In many ancient societies any adult who insisted on living as a perpetual infant were often executed by tribal elders before they destroyed the entire tribe. In North America most people have been tricked into living as perptual dependent infants, who insist that mentally defective misleaders tell them what to do every second of every day.
It's time eveyone grows up and takes their proper rite of passage from child to adult. Either you destroy the dependent infantalized psyche inside of yourself or your misleaders will put you into the graveyard with their inverted and corrupted policies. Wake up, grow up, level up, adult up and save your soceity. Stop being a left leaning perptual infant who's afraid to take your true cosmic adult role inside the tribal circle. Do that or you will experience a painful and premature death at the hands of an ancient evil masquarding as government, medicine, science and media. Stop complying as a dependent weak child and start resisting as an independent strong adult.
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