Pauline Nicol Aylett
on October 11, 2021
DEFUND SCHOOLS - Pull your kids from public schools - they get paid $8,838 per year per student. Public schools goal is to create little liberals. And they are doing it. They teach lies, “1619 project”, “critical race theory” “sex ed k-12” (google-“teacher speaking out against sex ed k-12” you will be shocked as to what they are teaching your children. Kinders do not need to know about masterbation. And dont get me started about genders, or love is love - that just sets your child up to become a victim of a pedophile, and they want to say pedophiles are normal, & they don’t say the Pledge of Allegiance anymore - instead they are teaching your children about all the mistakes the USA has made, not what we have learned and what we have done to corrected those mistakes to create a better nation. And that the rest of the world’s countries were also making similar decisions and corrections as times change. They are teaching them to hate the greatest country on earth. DEFUND SCHOOLS!!
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