Formed originally as The Deadly Nightshades, The Nightshades were formed at Glenbrook South High School, Glenview, IL.The Nightshades included: Gary Schaeffer, vocals; Bob Zemke, lead guitar; Larry LaCoste, rhythm guitar; Phil Jernigan was replaced by Tom Lavin, bass, Don Locke, was replaced by Kenny LaCoste, drums.“Summertime” b/w “Wonder Where My Baby Is Tonight” was their first and released as Gear 747/748.Gear 749/750, “Flying High” and “American Boy” is their second release. "American Boy" is much heavier.I have yet to find their third and last record, “Sweet Cecelia” / “My Mother Done Told Me (That You Were a Lover)” on Gear 751/752.I have heard that a quantity of 500 had been discovered the in closet of an old house, but that's all I know of it.Don Locke, as I understand it, had gone on to be an artist, author and graphic designer for NBC’s Tonight Show.
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