Darrell Ranalli
on October 8, 2021
I was blessed by GOD to be born awake and never ever had a fear of death for reasons I don’t know well I know now but for many years growing up I had some extremely close calls w death in my life so I was obv meant to do something meaningful in life and when I figure out exactly what that is I’ll let u know it could actually be to just be telling u this message at this second in time to help wake u to the fact that with no fear of death u r absolutely free !!! No mountain is to high no bully too big etc ITS TIME FOR U TO AWAKEN TO THE FACT THAT UNLESS U LIVE 101% OFF GRID U YES U AND I R NOTHING BUT FING SLAVES FACT!!! The question is do u want your children to remain in perpetual slavery or not ?!?! This is where the life death part comes in … r u willing to die to free your children and the generations to follow them from perpetual brainwashed sleeping sheeple gold slavery and my answer is yes I could think of no better death can u ?!?!
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