Darrell Ranalli
on October 8, 2021
Read these words till they sink deep in your soul ! The time is now to awaken I posted this entire video if ur wondering where screenshots came from check it out it’s time to WAKETFUP and STANDTFUP AND STOP THE MADNESS!!! Death is nothing u have done it a thousand times it’s time to awaken for the CHILDREN NOT FOR U AND DEFINITELY NOT ME FOR THE CHILDREN!!! WAKE UP UR ALL NOTHING BUT A BUNCH OF SLAVES !!! Do u really want this life for your children because if u think our current society is just FING peachy and ur just 100% content in ur little bubble then if so your children should be taken from u FFPEOS!!! GET UP AND DO SOMETHING ANYTHING JUST LIKE IM DOING NOW ITS NOT MUCH BUT IT SURE AS F IS SOMETHING!!!
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