Paula Maillet
on September 21, 2020
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Daily Devotional - September 21
Did You Miss This Command?
"Then he said to them,
'The harvest truly is great,
but the laborers are few;
therefore pray the Lord of the harvest
to send out laborers into his harvest.'"
Luke 10:2
Do we take seriously the commands of Jesus? It's so easy to read this, skip over it and not realize the fact that he is here commanding us to pray a certain prayer. Would we say, "I will not pray this?" But that's what we're saying if we don't pray it.
There is great revival happening in many countries everywhere, especially among the Muslim and the Hindu peoples. But there are still places where the Gospel has not reached. Pray the Lord of the harvest, asking him to send out many more laborers into the harvest in all the world.
As we pray for the laborers, the missionaries, the evangelists, we are actually taking part in their work.
The enemy is fierce, and many are being persecuted and even martyred because of their faith. They need our support, our prayer covering, if they are to stand and be able to reach all.
"And this Gospel of the Kingdom will be preached
in all the world as a witness to all the nations
and then the end will come."
Matthew 24:14
Along Emaus Road
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