Rodney Starks
on October 8, 2021
This is the lie put forth by the universal church(Roman Catholic Church) that is sold all around the world amongst the gentiles peoples, nationalities and languages in this world.
All painted from a Roman perspective and not a Jewish perspective and you see the image is to portray Yeshua (a Jew) as looking like a European Caucasian in order to project superiority. This image is sold and lifted up in pride very much so in the United States of America!
I personally don’t care what Yeshua skin color was and is, but don’t you find it very interesting that skin color is the weapon of choice used amongst the corrupt in order to gain control & power over the masses of the foolish and religious under the banner of so called Christianity?
Where is the Seder meal? Where is the cups(4 cups of wine) all the twelve Jewish disciples (students) would of drank from which have great meaning: Cup of Sanctification, Cup of Deliverance, Cup of Redemption, Cup of Hallel(praise & worship, acceptance & reflection).
When you allow yourself to be deceived by the false image put before you that is done to deceive & further a false narrative and teaching in replacement of the truth of Gods spoken & written word in glorifying his beloved Son Christ Yeshua the Lord. Amen ✝️🩸🙏
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Rodney Starks
You believe your theories abd i will go by what the scriptires say. You wait till your last breath & try to gey thar passed tje Lord himself. I wouldnt even be so foolish to say good luck with that. Your theories been around for a long time & i am well aware of the foolishness.
October 8, 2021
Will Jones
Will Jones replied - 1 reply
Bruce Wayne
All religions are Fiction...all gods are Imaginary. But at least the Greeks gave Their Imaginary gods Butch Names!!
October 8, 2021
Rodney Starks
Yea well Paul dealt with tje greeks with the truth to their polytheism they pacticed & worshipped in Acts 17. All started in genesis 11 the tower of babel the start of all pagan religion idolatry.
October 8, 2021
Will Jones
Will Jones replied - 6 replies