Tom Grimshaw
on October 2, 2021
No Such Thing As Settled Science
You have a right if not a duty to question everything, especially that which assaults your sensibilities or just smells off. Most especially that which could be harmful. (As is all psychiatry.)
Remember, every drug has side effects. On average, 75 of them. One of which is often death.
Too many people look for an authority to make things easy for them with an order, edict, mandate or pill.
Changing habits is hard.
Looking takes confront.
Learning is difficult when you don't know how.
Thinking requires effort.
Standing up for what you know to be right is hard.
On the other side of the coin...
Being stupid is easy and simple.
Just doing what you are told to do requires no self-discipline, thought, investigation, evaluation, decision, intelligence, courage or ability to face down evil.
It's the consequences of being uninformed, lazy, cowardly and stupid that are life destroying.
As always, it's your life and your call!
Make a good call! Your life depends on it! And probably a few others' lives too!
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